How to create a high converting website
The difference between an average website and a website that performs to its maximum, is the conversion rate.
There are a lot of tools available today which can make putting a website together very easy, but building a website that converts cold leads to warm leads, and then nurture warm leads to become hot sales leads is the big difference!
Website UX
Website UX (user experience) is the key term used, which means designing your site architecture, graphics, content, navigation, all in a way to get the website visitor from A to B.
Those who can master website UX are the ones who can change an average website to a high performing site.
Device experience
With multiple devices now available, many businesses are opting to design their website in an adaptive or responsive way. This means the site changes depending on the device used - desktop, mobile or tablet for example.
By adapting the site structure based on the device, this will help visitors to navigate your site with more ease, and that usually means more converted leads.
The power of an engaging brand
Your personality and business tone of voice needs to shine through your website.
By creating a unique and memorable brand experience, businesses are not only building a connection with their audience but also adding to longer time spent on site - which is a metric that Google also uses to rank your site.
Site speed
Website speed is another key element which will help your website become a high converting site.
Not only does site speed keep your visitors on your site for longer, because they are less likely to get frustrated with page loading time, but this is also a critical factor for Google when they determine how to rank your site.
Technical or security issues
Error pages or website hosting that is insecure can cause your website visitors to abandon your site completely.
This can cause a negative impact on your brand professionalism, where visitors may never return to your site again. A potential lifetime customer lost.
Many businesses are now moving over to a secure domain name and hosting platform. Changing your domain from http to httpS means your domain is secure. By upgrading your hosting service to a secure package, you are also minimising any impact on your site downtime.
Bounce rate and exit rate
With Google Analytics, you can monitor the bounce rate or exit rate from your customers.
This means web visitors that have hit a certain page on your site and chosen to click the back button or the browser exit button.
By understanding which pages are the best or least performing, you should optimise each page to allow your visitor to navigate your site more smoothly, and improving your bounce rate or exit rate.
As you can see, there are many things you can do to turn your website from an average site to a highly converting site.
Businesses need to break down the steps required in to smaller bite size tasks to make it easier to manage, and map out a day by day planner.
Good luck, and let me know if you need any support.
Gary B.